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Prime 227 Acres

Large block for development.

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  • Item # 169334
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Situated on the outskirts of Corozal Town sits a 227.87 acre block. This large block is well above sea level at an approximate 53 feet elevation, and is located only +/-2.4 miles from the Corozal Bay coastline, and +2.3 miles from the Ranchito Municipal Airport. 
The secondary forest growth presents the ideal canvas for a developer of any industry. 
Corozal continues to gain in demand as its popularity among expatriates and retirees for its peaceful and easygoing environment. An additional advantage is the close proximity to the Belize/Mexico border offering quick access to well-known American franchises such as: Sam's Club, Walmart, Office Depot, Burger King, and more.

Licensed Auctioneer: Belize Auctions


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Estimated Closing Costs:

If you are declared the winner of the auction, there are the expected fees the winning bidder would incur.

  1. Internet tranction fee: $100 USD
  2. Stamp Duty Tax
  3. Registration fees
  4. Legal fees
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